The Reglit site, created by John Black in 1992, started out a commemorative essay for his sister, since both had grown up around Regent’s Park. From an early age he had collected artistic mentions of the area, and now he decided to share those mentions with others who might be interested.

Regentsparklit is a compendium of musical and literary references to both Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill. It features songs in which musicians old and new reference different parts of the landscape. It’s clear the area has been an inspiration to musicians as diverse as Madness, Fatboy Slim, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Rolling Stones and Loudoun Wainwright III.

Similarly, the site also lists literary references from William Blake and Virginia Woolf to Sylvia Plath (once a resident of Primrose Hill) who have set poems and novels in and around the Park. Elizabeth Barrett Browning stole flowers from the Royal Botanical site for her lover Robert Browning. She later married him in St Marylebone church.

John Black has brought together a celebration of Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill. The site takes joy in every artistic mention of the place, and catalogues it for future generations.